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Sola cube being wrapped in the palm of your hand

GIFT For a loved one

The best gift for your loved ones and friends

Sola cube is the perfect gift for a loved ones and friends.
Every Sola cube comes with an original message that captures the plant's ecology and story.
We call this message a “botanical essence.”
This means that you can convey your feelings
for a special person in your life with a delightful message in the “language of flowers.

  • Convey your love for someone

    Anniversary | Mother’s Day | Father’s Day | Valentine’s Day | White Day etc.

    • Globe amaranthの表面のイメージ画像 Globe amaranthの裏面のイメージ画像

      Globe amaranth


      The pink pom pom part of the Globe amaranth is the calyxes. The tiny light yellow speckles that peak through in between are the real flowers. Since Globe amaranth’s color is semi-long lasting, it has been widely enjoyed as dried flower.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Balloon plantの表面のイメージ画像 Balloon plantの裏面のイメージ画像

      Balloon plant

      "Proof of love"

      The fruit is round and full like a balloon, and the name is exactly what the shape implies. A heart shape pattern form on each surface of the seed, and this occurs when nutrition is being supplied during the formation of the fruit.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Sea lavenderの表面のイメージ画像 Sea lavenderの裏面のイメージ画像

      Sea lavender

      "Forever charming"

      Sea lavender is native to Mediterranean region. It is one of the most beloved cut flower in the world. Since the color of the flower is rather long lasting, it is also widely enjoyed as dried flower. It has also gained its fame as the "everlasting flower."

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Yellow fennel flowerの表面のイメージ画像 Yellow fennel flowerの裏面のイメージ画像

      Yellow fennel flower

      "Sweet temptation"

      The seeds inside spill out when the fruit dries up and split open. The seeds of Yellow fennel flower have been used as medicine in Muslim culture and being use as flavoring for desserts in European region.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Immortelleの表面のイメージ画像 Immortelleの裏面のイメージ画像


      "Everlasting sun"

      The “Immortelle” flower takes its name from the word “immortal”—meaning “everlasting.” “Helichrysum,” the scientific name of the plant, is derived from a combination of the Greek words “Helios (sun)” and “Chrysos (gold).” These small golden flowers are like the sun that never burns out.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Lunaria annuaの表面のイメージ画像 Lunaria annuaの裏面のイメージ画像

      Lunaria annua

      "Wishing upon the moon"

      The name "Luna," is derived from the Latin word for moon, as the thin disk-shaped fruit looks just like the moon. When the fruit ripen, the exodermis and seeds fell off, and left the silky white semitransparent endodermis standing.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Chamomile sunrayの表面のイメージ画像 Chamomile sunrayの裏面のイメージ画像

      Chamomile sunray

      "Internal beauty"

      The parts that looks like white petals are known as inner involucral bracts, a special kind of leaf that protects the collection of yellow flowers in the middle. The purple peeking out from behind are the outer involucral bracts from when the flower first buds. Native to Australia, these flowers prefer dry areas like their home.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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  • Celebrate a new beginning

    Marriage | Birth | School/uni. admission/graduation, new job | Housewarming etc.

    • Dandelionの表面のイメージ画像 Dandelionの裏面のイメージ画像


      "Live with the wind"

      The puffballs serve as a parachute for the dandelion, and close like an umbrella in rain. When in fair and sunny weather, the puffball would open up again and the seeds would be blown away by the wind.

      (1.6in cube) Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74g
      (2.0in cube) Acrylic resin / 2" x 2" x 2"(50mm x 50mm x 50mm) / 148gRead more

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    • Apple of peruの表面のイメージ画像 Apple of peruの裏面のイメージ画像

      Apple of peru

      "Delicacy with a solid core"

      A delicate net of lace-like veins formed from the calyx that gently wrapped and protected the fruit. The genus name, “Nicandra,” is taken from the Grecian poet Nicander of Colophon, known for his works on poison. The stem and calyx turn black in places, and the leaves develop small black thorns.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Strawflowerの表面のイメージ画像 Strawflowerの裏面のイメージ画像



      Strawflower is originated from Australia. The vivid color bracts are dry, hard, and the textures are papery. These unique bracts have grown this way in order to protect and preserve the moist in the inner flowers under dry condition.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Ant treeの表面のイメージ画像 Ant treeの裏面のイメージ画像

      Ant tree

      "Catch the flow"

      The characteristic wings of this fruit are actually evolved sepals, and they work to carry the seeds on the wind. If dropped from a high place, they spin around and around as they fall. A tree native to the American tropics, it uses its sap to feed ants, inviting them to live on it and protect it from predators.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Rice flowerの表面のイメージ画像 Rice flowerの裏面のイメージ画像

      Rice flower

      "Fruitful days"

      The origin of the name comes exactly from the appearance, where the flowers grow like tiny rice bunch. These flowers are often being use in flower arrangement and many have been consumed in Japan.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Bunny tail grassの表面のイメージ画像 Bunny tail grassの裏面のイメージ画像

      Bunny tail grass

      "Strong yet gentle"

      Bunny tail grass is a member of Poaceae family, native to Mediterranean region. Bunny tail grass is exactly what its name implies. The shape and color of golden flower panicles are attractive as an ornamental plant.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74g

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Huayruroの表面のイメージ画像 Huayruroの裏面のイメージ画像


      "A happiness charm"

      Huayruro is a type of leguminous seed, which is native to South America. The unique red color seeds have been cherished as talisman accessories since the ancient Inca Empire period.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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  • Congratulations for an achievement

    A store opening or business launch | Retirement | School/uni. admission/graduation, new job etc.

    • Eucalyptusの表面のイメージ画像 Eucalyptusの裏面のイメージ画像


      "Light my fire"

      There are more than 700 species of Eucalyptus, and they are mainly native to Australia. Eucalyptus contains oil inside the leaves, and it is one of the cause for mountain fire in the dry land. This has made Eucalyptus being known as the “gasoline trees.”

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Karamatuの表面のイメージ画像 Karamatuの裏面のイメージ画像


      "Unwavering spirit"

      The name is derived from the arrangement of leaves on a branch resembling the pine tree “Matsu” in the Chinese-style painting “Kara-e.” Its pinecone will open up when dried, allowing the seeds inside to fly away and disseminate.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Staticeの表面のイメージ画像 Staticeの裏面のイメージ画像


      "The rain will stop"

      The part that looks like a flower is actually the developed calyx, and small white flower bloom inside. “Statice” is the Greek word for “stop,” coming from the root word “statizo.” It seems that it was once used as a kind of gastrointestinal medicine.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Velvetleafの表面のイメージ画像 Velvetleafの裏面のイメージ画像


      "Powerful life"

      The fruit has approximately a dozen cubicles and each will tear vertically upon ripen, in order to spread their seeds. The seeds are covered by solid seed coats, which can survive up to 20 years under ground in soil.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Kaimameの表面のイメージ画像 Kaimameの裏面のイメージ画像


      "The power within"

      Kaimame is one of the cultivar of kidney bean. Kaimame in Japanese means “shell bean” and its name comes from the pattern of the surface which looks like sea shells. The flavor is rather rich and suits perfectly for Japanese sweet stew recipes.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Tiger's clawの表面のイメージ画像 Tiger's clawの裏面のイメージ画像

      Tiger's claw


      It is also known as the “Devil's claw.” These two claws cling on to animals to travel with them in order to spread the seeds. The claws will gradually split open, and thus the seeds would spill out from within.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Nogurumiの表面のイメージ画像 Nogurumiの裏面のイメージ画像



      Although they are quite different in appearance, Nogurumi is a relative of Japanese walnut. Its spiny fruit has earned the name “Fox's comb” or “Monkey's comb” in Japanese. The seeds spill out between the spines on the cones, and use the wind to carry them afar.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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  • Strengthen a bond of friendship

    Birthday of a friend or family member | Expression of gratitude, return gift | Housewarming

    • Japanese walnutの表面のイメージ画像 Japanese walnutの裏面のイメージ画像

      Japanese walnut


      These hard Japanese walnuts are one of squirrels’ favorite treat. Most of the nuts get eaten on the spot, but few were fortunate enough to be hidden underground and sprout in the coming spring.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Dawn redwoodの表面のイメージ画像 Dawn redwoodの裏面のイメージ画像

      Dawn redwood


      Botanists thought Dawn redwood has extinct, and could only be found in fossil form. However, a living tree has been discovered in China in 1941. Since then, Dawn redwood has become known as “Living fossil.”

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

    • American sweetgumの表面のイメージ画像 American sweetgumの裏面のイメージ画像

      American sweetgum


      American sweetgum’s leaves turn into beautiful red and orange colors in the fall. The spiked compound fruits are composed of numerous capsules and the seeds spill out during fall season when the fruit dries and open.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Shell gingerの表面のイメージ画像 Shell gingerの裏面のイメージ画像

      Shell ginger

      "Casual concern"

      A kind of ginger which distribute in Okinawa prefecture. The seeds are often being use as an ingredient for herbal tea that relieves intestinal ailments.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

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    • Globe thistleの表面のイメージ画像 Globe thistleの裏面のイメージ画像

      Globe thistle


      Globe thistle is a perfectly spherical inflorescence composed of many thorny flowers. When the flower opens, Globe thistle would transform into a soft, fluffy flower.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

    • Basket flowerの表面のイメージ画像 Basket flowerの裏面のイメージ画像

      Basket flower

      "A person with wisdom"

      The genus name “Centaurea” comes from the Centaurus family of half-man half-horse creatures that appear in Greek mythology. Legends tell of Chiron—a wise man of one such clan said to use plants of this genus to treat wounds. The gold part is the involucres, preserved here as an eternal bud.

      Acrylic resin / 1.6" x 1.6" x 1.6"(40mm x 40mm x 40mm) / 74gRead more

    • Chinese lanternの表面のイメージ画像 Chinese lanternの裏面のイメージ画像

      Chinese lantern

      "Illuminate your path"

      The shape and color of this fruit resemble a Chinese lantern. During the Bon Festival in Japan, streets and homes are decorated with them as signposts for ancestral spirits to find their way back. The root has been used as a traditional Chinese Medicine since ancient times. The dried fruit’s delicate, skeletal veins are sealed in time.

      Acrylic resin / 2" x 2" x 2"(50mm x 50mm x 50mm) / 148gRead more

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    • GIFTのイメージ画像
    • GIFTのイメージ画像
    • GIFTのイメージ画像

    Sola cube set with wooden stand

    This stand was created to meet the request to display the Sola cube more easily. This is a stand made up of two parts. This is handcrafted of fine wood by craftsman in Japan. We have featured two colors to make it easy to match any room. It has a simple shape designed particularly for Sola cube, and it doesn’t disturb the atmosphere of any room.

    • GIFTのイメージ画像
    • GIFTのイメージ画像

    3 Sola cubes set with display case

    3 Sola cube set is a set of three Sola cubes with a wooden display case. The wooden display case is the perfect interior piece to be showcasing in reading room or living room. The case is made with high quality wooden frame and smooth texture brass. One box comes with three set of flowers, fruit and seeds.


    • GIFTのイメージ画像
    • GIFTのイメージ画像
    • GIFTのイメージ画像

    9 Sola cubes set with specimen box

    The specimen box set contains nine Sola cubes that comes with a sliding acrylic lid. The specimen box is designed as a frame shelf, which enables the box to be set in a standing position for display purpose.

